Zambezi Portland Cement is suffering and you know the reasons!

The Zambezi Portland Cement factory has now turned into a place where corruption breeds and humanity cease to exist. Once upon a time, this factory bloomed under the influence of Dr. Rajan Mahtani and had registered a record production of 4, 70, 000 tonnes of cement in a year. However, after the factory was taken over by the Ventriglia family in April 2015, life at ZPC has come to a complete halt and all that matters to the new management group is the presence of offshore transfers.

Degrading conditions at the Zambezi Portland Cement Factory

The conditions in the Zambezi Portland Cement Factory has deteriorated to such low levels that the workers of the factory have lost faith in having a decent life. Most of the times they are not paid wages and the working conditions are simply inhumane. Hygiene factor was lost and gone long time back and the only ray of hope for the factory workers is the pending case where Finsbury Investments is fighting against the Ventriglia family.

Rajan Mahtani

Termination of employees in August 2015

It is being reported that about 47 workers were terminated from the factory because the management couldn’t find an adequate job for them. The step was taken without the consultation of Workers’ Union and no opportunity of being heard was offered to the workers.

Zambezi Portland Cement runs into a loss

For the first time in the history of Zambezi Portland Cement Factory, it has faced a loss. A cement factory whose potential is to generate about US $ 5 million per month has faced a loss because of poor management and financial drain. The reason behind this downfall is none other than the Ventriglia family. They have simply tried to extract as much money as possible from the factory and transfer the same to their personal bank accounts.