Simaata’s Ends His Dreadful Acts With Supreme Court Loss

The last few months have been dreadful for Finance Bank Zambia and its well-wisher Dr. Rajan Mahtani. The bank has been suffering from defamation acts, negative word-of-mouth for a long time, all thanks to the unlawful activities conducted by Simaata Simaata. Finance Bank has always been seen as one of the finest banks across Zambia. The bank always kept an honest and clean reputation and was never involved in any disreputable activities. As a result, it has seen enormous growth in the past few years with more clients and businesses adding every year.

Simataa S

However, banks and related financial institutions are very sophisticated industry. Any negative story can result in harmful implications for these institutions. The same happened with Finance Bank Zambia. Even though the rumors spread by Simaata were his personal opinions and had no relation with reality, these rumors spread like fire and resulted in negative image creation for the bank. Furthermore, the testimonials provided by Simaata were given at courts at his own will. This was a clear violation of the agreement that he signed with Finance Bank Zambia, as the testimonials were damaging for the bank and Dr. Rajan Mahtani. Simaata also disclosed sensitive statements to newspaper channels. All these activities resulted in loss of clientele and future business opportunities for the bank. Finance Bank then took the rightful step and sued Simaata at the Supreme Court.

The judges of Supreme Court gave the rightful judgement when the announced Simaata as guilty of the charges. As per the judges, the reputation of an individual or entity is bigger than anything.  Spreading false rumors that result in negative image for an institution, that too when the rumor is false and baseless, is a shameful act and is considered as an unlawful act. After considering all situations, the judges gave the verdict that made Finance Bank and entire Zambia rejoice. Simaata was found guilty and was asked to pay fine for his deeds.