Dr. Rajan Mahtani And Finance Bank Once Again Targeted

Dr. Rajan Mahtani is noted in Zambia as the founder and Ex-Chairman of the Finance Bank Zambia and owner of the Mahtani Group of Industries. Even after being hugely popular and respected among peers, colleagues and industrialists, he has been fighting a battle against conspirators for many decades. This battle is for saving his reputation and trying to help the Zambian people grow and develop, socially and economically. The conspirators of Dr. Rajan Mahtani are basically bunch of haters who want to ventilate their hatred and jealousy. These conspirators take help from paid media channels and start publishing fake stories regarding Dr. Mahtani and his firms. The end objective of these paid media channels has always been to create situation wherein Dr. Mahtani is criticised and citizens of Zambia are tricked with chaotic arrangements such as these.

Dr Rajan Mahtani

Even before the battle between Finance Bank Zambia and Simaata started, Dr. Rajan Mahtani has faced similar situations many times. Simaata created a negative reputation for Finance Bank by spreading false testimonials accusing the bank of fraud. Since these testimonials were given at several courts of law, they were taken seriously creating a buzz that these accusations might be true. This led to loss of reputed clients and ultimately business opportunities for the bank. The future of the bank became a big question and therefore, a stringent step was taken by Finance Bank to approach the Supreme Court. This step was supported by Dr. Rajan Mahtani and together, they were able to successfully win the case against Simaata.

The judges, after looking into the facts and evidences, announced that Simaata was indeed guilty of the charges pressed against him. He was also asked to pay fine for his activities. It is difficult to say when Finance Bank will fully recover from its losses, but it is a fine step for the bank as well as for the government to start taking actions against the conspirators.