Dr. Rajan Mahtani celebrates Easter with family- 2015

After a long string of business events, Dr. Rajan Mahtani has finally taken some time off and went to visit his family during Easter. The event witnessed a relaxed Dr. Mahtani who was aloof from tensions and was enjoying the company of his dear ones.

Dr. Rajan Mahtani

Sadly, Zambia Reports portrayed this event as an attempt by Dr. Mahtani to escape legal charges. According to them, Dr. Rajan Mahtani fled Zambia as soon as the trail for Nchito started. Imaginative stories and irrelevant references continue to contribute towards the malicious attempt which was presented by a group of writers, who consider money to be above moral and principles in life.

Dr. Rajan Mahtani is the chairman of Finance Bank Zambia and has been contributing towards the development of Zambia for the past 20 years. Over this period there have been numerous defamation attacks on him from the side of the conspirators. Sometimes, they are in the opinion that Finance Bank Zambia will steal the money of common men, whereas sometimes they think that Dr. Mahtani will use this money in illegal activities. However, it has never stopped Dr. Mahtani from creating employment opportunities, funding development projects and assisting senior citizens with monetary benefits. He has been one of the most influential people in Africa for the past decade.