Dr. Mahtani & Zambia unamused by ZR’s latest

Dr. Mahtani & Zambia have always been troubled by the actions of Zambia Reports. As a news channel, it has done minimal bit of work that is was supposed to do. Rather, it has made an opening for itself whereby it can generate good revenue on a monthly basis. Most of its coverage is far from the truth and has been representing the ideas that its masters are fond of. An exclusive example of this defamation campaign is the assault against Dr. Mahtani & Zambia. Time and over again it caused chaos in Zambia, but no official is interested in stopping it.

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The latest story coverage from Zambia Reports states that Simataa, a person who was unable to prove that he has passed Grade 12 and claims himself as an expert (Banking), has won in the Lusaka High Court against Dr. Mahtani. The article looks more like a publicity stunt rather than informing the people of Zambia about the truth and no wonder, the same has given ZR some good money. At the end of the day, the purpose of Zambia Reports and its masters has been served. A monthly edition of defamatory news has been served and the rest of the time will now be used to study the reaction of the public and develop new stories for the upcoming months.

This is indeed a situation where no person in Zambia can feel safe. Because, if their path crosses with the conspirators, they too will face the hazards which is currently being faced by Dr. Mahtani & Zambia. Even in the past, Zambia has seen episodes where certain articles were fictitiously promoted and then later on when the truth surfaced, there was no clarification from the end of Zambia Reports. Forget about apologies, the authors of Zambia Reports do not even have guts to come out in open and claim the credit of the articles!